Cheap accommodation in the Czech Republic in the Central Bohemian Region. Hostel in Dobrovice offers long-term accommodation for foreign workers, including employees of employment agencies

from 210 CZK/person per night
Facilities and amenities:
2, 3, 4 beds per room
public toilets: 3 showers and 5 toilets, separate for men and women
free Wi-Fi
public washing machines
a communal kitchen equipped with appliances
Prices from 190 CZK per person per night
Prices quoted include VAT 10%, valid from 1.7.2022.
The landlord reserves the right to change
Dobrovice is a town in the Central Bohemian Region. It is located 7 km southeast of the industrial town of Mladá Boleslav. A hostel in Dobrovice is particularly appreciated by foreign workers looking for cheap accommodation in the Czech Republic close to their work.

The Dobrovice Workers' Hostel is located in a two-storey house with accommodation for 24 people. It offers long-term and short-term accommodation for individual workers or companies hiring foreign workers. Up to 8 cars can be parked at the hostel.
Penny Market supermarket, grocery COOP, "vespers" - approx. 1 km from the hostel.
bus stop "U Hájku" - approx. 6 minutes on foot
Bus stop "Autobusové nádraží" - approx. 12 min. walk

Communication with Mlada Boleslav
by car - approx. 8 km
bus no. 418, no. 417 from the bus stop no. "U Hájku" - approx. 24 min.
bus No. 463, No. 416 from the bus stop. "Bus station" ca. 30 min.

Connection with Prague
by car - approx. 60 km
buses - from. "Autobusové nádraží" to the bus station. "Praha - Černý most":
direct - No. 403 - approx. 1 ч.
transfer - No. 418 and No. 412 (or No. 345) - 1 hour -1h 15 min
Kateřinská 212,
294 41 Dobrovice
Dobrovice has many green parks, the closest of which is on Havlíčkové nám square. - just a few steps away from the hostel. There are 2 ponds in the town - Dlouhý and Bojetický.
About us
Many workers from abroad come to the Czech Republic in search of work. They are all looking for accommodation that combines sufficient comfort and a reasonable price.

Work Hotel s.r.o. manages a number of accommodation facilities in the Czech Republic, mainly hostels and dormitories (ubytovny). We provide low-cost accommodation in Prague and other Czech cities for long-term or short-term rentals in more than 12 lodgings (ubytovny), hostels and rental flats.